jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

16 comentarios:

  1. I Think this practice is nice because I can learn more about the "past simple" and the
    "used to" and differentiate one another , with this practice i can give a good exam and have good grades.

  2. It's amazing , I learn more about past simple an used to and I think it's a good form to talk in past using the correct grammar :)

  3. This topic is very interesting , but for me is a bit hard to understand :/

  4. Its a great alternative to express the past or something what happened in the past and we can use it instead of " did"

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. I think that this practice will help me to learn more about the ¨past simple¨ and¨used to" but i think too that this practice is more bigger than another practices that we have done in class.
    And if we had to recover the Wednesday that we lost an hour of English,this practice is too extensive and we couldnt finished in 45 minutes and there are some partners that didnt understand some exercises and is unfair.

  7. I think this is very interesting, but is too long and difficult to resolve

  8. I think this method is good because I can practice about used to and past simple and learn more about the topic.

  9. I think the virtual sessions are useful but activity was heavy and very long ; but I learned a lot about using the past simple and used to with the examples and the practice

  10. This practice will help us know how to use the past simple and used to in our examination or other practices you left . It was very extensive practice and made me take much but I managed to understand even more the subject

  11. I think this session of practice is very important for the base of learn english. Is very interesting and the practice is very extensive but worth it.

  12. I think the virtual practice is very useful because we can practice with a lot of exercises and examples and also we can practice more.

  13. Thanks to this professor Nadia, because I could learn more and reinforce the lesson of the present simple and used to. :D

  14. its interesting , because saturday i do my homework -.-

  15. The practice is innecesary large, because a lot of this exercises are repetitive, for a extensive study is perfect, but we never do this in class, I think is good but we can learn this lesson without a big practice like this, because "simple past" and "used to" are so easy.

  16. This session will help me improve the knowledge he had of the past simple by putting into practice the exercises plus I think it is a better method of teaching, as it becomes virtually and give us the chance to do from our houses
